Teaching, Mentoring, Facilitation and Directing.

Teaching, Mentoring, Facilitation and Directing.

Director There Are Two Perfectly Good Me’s Written And Performed By Lucy Sheen

Director The Teacher Who Couldn’t Blink By Debbie Manship.

Director The Vortex By Peter Moreton.

For the Hackney Empire Participation and learning department, now Creative Futures.

ADP [Artist Development Programme] annual summer main house performance project for young people. Drama lead and assistant director.

Assistant director to Susie McKenna on ‘A Midsummer Nights madness’ a re-working of Shakespeare’s ‘Dream’ with the Hackney Harlem theatre company [ ADP alumni ] in partnership with Take Wing and Sour performed at the National Black Theatre Harlem New York. Then runs at the Edinburgh Fringe and Hackney Empire. Macbeth Edindurgh Fringe and Hackney Empire.

Director I.D. An anti knife crime and gang performance piece with students from Hackney Free school. A project in Partnership with The Anne Frank Trust and Hackney empire.

Drama director for Bridge Academy performance project. The aim was to help a new schools entire first intake bond.

Lead facilitator and Director on the play ‘TAG’ the culmination of ‘Ignition’ working to inspire young people 'not in education employment or training' into work through the arts.

A.C.T.E.R. A.F.T.L.S. Actors From The London Stage. Three ten-week U.S. university/college tours of The Tempest, Romeo and Julie and As You Like It. The company present a full text five hand Shakespeare production on campus or in a local theatre. We also become guest members of the faculty and teach classes that usually relate to the plays performed but also individuals skills experience. In my case this has meant classes on Shakespeare text, Mime/Mask work, Stage fighting, Voice production, workshops with dancers on using the body more expressively and many more including a ‘Latin poetry translation’ class.

Kuumba young peoples drama project. St Pauls Bristol. Director of ten three hour workshops culminating in a sharing of their work.

Bristol Old Vic. Various acting master classes including Shakespeare workshops during their summer youth theatre programme.

Young Peoples Writing/Drama project at the Half Moon Young Peoples Theatre and Homerton School.

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